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Chrissie McGinn & Richard Hewitt work as Personal & Organisational Development Consultants.  They have twenty years experience of working in a variety of settings; in organisations, with individuals and couples.  They work in the public, private and voluntary sectors, facilitate groups and run a counselling practice.  They are co-authors of “Wisboroughs - Make a New Start with a Fresh View on Life”.


Chrissie was employed in management, industrial relations and training in local authorities and voluntary agencies, and as a lecturer in psychology and employee development on the CIPD graduate course.  She set up and was a partner of a medical locum agency.

In 1986 she formed a consultancy service, specialising in management training with clients in health authorities, the engineering industry, financial services and catering.  Using her management training and counselling skills, she facilitates management teams to review the values and beliefs of the company, merge cultures and plan for the future.  She works with people's current issues and whole life experiences.  

Her voluntary roles have included Vice-Chair of the National Association for Children of Alcoholics, Chair of a Relate Centre, Chair of the Interfaith Seminary, and is a member of the British Volunteer Mentor Association.

She has an MA in Manpower Studies - researched stress management -, is a Fellow of the CIPD, trained as a counsellor with Relate, has a Certificate in Applied Transpersonal Psychotherapy, and trained as an Interfaith Minister.


Following six years with Marks & Spencer, where Richard worked in store management, sales management, and buying, he joined the Distributive Industries Training Board, and became a Training Advisor, specialising in management development.

He spent eight years as a self-financed, senior lecturer in higher education, specialising in management training and development.  His clients included organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors. 

During the last twenty years he has worked with Chrissie in most sectors of the economy, as a management development and training consultant.  He is a tutor for the CIP


His voluntary roles included trustee of the National Association for Children of Alcoholics, a Relate Centre, and the Interfaith Seminary.  He has also worked with people with learning disabilities.   He is also a founder Director of the Sussex Enterprise Centre, CPD and Membership Advisor for the CIPD Sussex Branch. 

Richard has a BSc in Geography, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, Diploma in Management Studies, is a Fellow of the CIPD, and trained as an Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counsellor.



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