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Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme

For leaders who want to increase emotional intelligence & skills to bring out the best in everyone

How could the Wisborough Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme help you lead your team and your organisation to success? 


chrissie McGinn & Richard Hewitt

Leadership is about hearts and minds. It is about consciously helping people to really engage with their work and the success of the company. As a leader you need to have the resilience and interpersonal skills to create the right conditions to help your people build a better future.

The next Wisborough Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme - dates to be confirmed.   It will give you the insights and skills you need to help everyone give their best performance, and achieve the results you want.  Every Programme is tailored to meet individual and organisational needs.  We’ve been running and developing this Programme for more than fifteen years and people are always delighted with the results. 

Here are some comments from delegates about how Wisborough Programmes have transformed the way they work.  


“You showed us how good leadership theories can be grounded in practical skills that we are able to use every day.”


“You challenged us but it never felt confrontational.  I didn't feel defensive, so I could work out what we needed to do to get the best results.”

group working at Sails Resort

 “This is thought provoking for everyone as it isn’t the way we usually work with people.  It develops a maturity with everyday actions in the organisation.”

 " You helped us recognise what others are doing, and how, and why they react the way they do, and then gave us the skills to manage our own different situations at work.”


“You gave me small practical steps that are easy to do, but that make a huge difference.”


“I know now where my real power comes from.  I feel more confident.”


"It was made personal to each of us.  It was a really good use of time!

This practical Programme will help you explore your own workplace situations and help you to:

·         Create positive and effective relationships

·         Motivate your team

·         Identify and use your sources of power

·         Put your point of view persuasively

·         Manage change effectively

·         Resolve conflict

·         Understand why your feelings sometimes get in the way and how you can manage them

·         Communicate positively and confidently


How does the transformation happen?

a group from a Wisborough programmeDay 1: will identify your leadership qualities, show you how to manage your emotions and build powerful relationships within your teams by communicating in ways that create real understanding with others. 

Day 2: will help you understand your team and how to motivate them to get the best results, and will give you time to practise your skills with your real issues. 

Then you will have a couple of weeks to practise your skills back at your workplace and see some great results ready for

Day 3: to show you how to take your team with you through times of change, how to resolve conflict, and how you can use your power as you continue to develop your skills. 

The Programme uses the Wisborough Positive & Powerful Leadership model to help you to create a harmonious and highly productive team and organisation.  After completing the Programme you will regularly review your progress with follow-up emails and questionnaires. 


Why choose Wisborough?


Denise meeting ChrissieIf you are a delegate on a Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme you will meet with Chrissie McGinn & Richard Hewitt before coming on the Programme so that you can talk about the problems you want to resolve, and explore what you want to gain from working with Chrissie & Richard.  They want to really understand your needs before they start helping you to achieve your goals.   


You will have individual attention from Chrissie & Richard as Wisborough Programmes are limited to six delegates to ensure that you will be able to work on your current issues, and find practical solutions that you can put into effect immediately.


When you return to work you will continue to be supported by email and phone to help you put your new insights and skills into practise so that they easily become your natural way of working.


“At the time I couldn’t see the point of the one-to-one interviews before the course, but now  I realise that you used everything and put the course together to help us all individually. Two days + one is really good.  It gave us a chance to practise in between, and bring our successes back.  This was the most beneficial course I’ve ever done” 


the Powerful communications group


With leadership and employee engagement in mind, the Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme has been used successfully “in house” by organisations for a number of years.  It has often been used as part of an organisational development project to bring about a cultural change within an organisation. We also offer "open" Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme throughout the year. 


Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme in Sussex, UK  - dates to be confirmed

The Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme in Coldwaltham, West Sussex is at a special price of £999.  If you would like to know more about how the Wisborough Positive & Powerful Leadership Programme could help contact us on (44) 01798 872 266, or contact us or e-mail headed "Positive & Powerful Leadership"


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